Safe, Not Stuck: Embracing Lack of Change

As I ponder the start to the new year, at first, I feel sorry for myself. I make the foolish, painful mistake of comparing myself to others and focusing on what’s missing in my life instead of all the good things I have. It can be all too easy to go down this path. […]
Being Happy with What Is

Recently, a friend gave me a book whose core message was to appreciate what we have, instead of always focusing on having more and being more. My first reaction: Pissed. The author is wealthy. Easy to be happy with what you have when you’re sitting on piles of dough. The writer goes on to say […]
Passion Reboot
This morning, I was listening to a seminar on empowerment. The teacher (Debbie Ford) suggested, “Stand in the mirror and say, “I am hot, sexy, and delicious!” When I heard the word “delicious,” I cringed. After journaling about why, I realized that I used to be passionately sensual – excitedly drinking in pleasure and beauty. But after experiencing so many setbacks and failures over […]
“After You, You Insist”
A few weeks ago, my friend and I drove our cars to a mall so we could shop together before heading our separate ways. As soon as we arrived to the parking lot, she accelerated past me to grab the closest parking spot. Literally squealing her wheels to make sure she got the best space, she […]
Choosing Joy
“Che brutto giorno!” (“What an ugly day!”) the woman scowled, dragging on her cigarette as she looked out at the pouring rain, flooding the streets into rivers. Rosario and I felt otherwise. Laughing as we splashed through the puddles, we jumped from doorstep to doorstep, stopping to make out and embrace under each dry […]