Being Happy with What Is

Recently, a friend gave me a book whose core message was to appreciate what we have, instead of always focusing on having more and being more. My first reaction: Pissed. The author is wealthy. Easy to be happy with what you have when you’re sitting on piles of dough. The writer goes on to say […]
Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle
Have you ever been with your family over the holidays, when all of a sudden, you revert to a much younger age? Maybe your parents or siblings say or do something that used to drive you nuts, and you find yourself becoming a resentful teenager. Or perhaps you slip back to your five-year-old self, trying […]
Que No Te Enreden En Sus Redes
¿Has estado con tu familia en días festivos, cuando de repente, regresas a una etapa mucho más joven? Tal vez tus papás o hermanos dicen o hacen algo que te volvía loco y te encuentras a tí mismo como un adolescente resentido. O quizás vuelves a ser el mismo niño de cinco años tratando de […]
How’s that Workin’ for Ya’?
One of my favorite quotes is, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Many of us get stuck in patterns of thoughts and behaviors that prevent us from getting where we want to be in life. For example, I would very much like to get […]
Tribes and Tribulations
As I sat watching the victory parade for the San Francisco Giants, it hit me strongly how tribal we still are. Today, our tribes may be those with the same skin color, religion, economic level, or favorite sports team, but we still perpetuate the age-old mentality of “it’s my people versus yours.” We want to […]
You Are What You Tweet
I’m a big fan of social media, but I must say, some of what’s out there seems like a bunch of meaningless malarkey. Do I really want to hear about people’s delayed flights or whether or not they enjoyed their burrito? Not really. Not unless I’m the one picking them up at the airport or making […]