Hope vs. False Expectations
What’s the difference between hope and false expectations? How do we know when to hope for the best and when we’re deluding ourselves? In each case, we’re throwing ourselves open to faith, to things we can’t control or predict. Is there such a thing as healthy and unhealthy hope, and if so, where’s the line? On the one […]
Protecting Your Space

Last night, after doing a really fun dance workshop, I went to my favorite Japanese restaurant where customers can sit at the sushi bar. Where they first seated me, it smelled really strongly of something like a cross between ammonia and Glade bathroom air freshener. I thought maybe they had just wiped the counter, but […]
Protegiendo Tu Espacio
Anoche, después de un divertido taller de baile, fui a mi restaurante japonés favorito donde los clientes pueden sentarte frente a la barra de sushi. Donde me sentaron primero, olía muy fuerte a algo como amoniaco y aromatizante de baño. Pensé que apenas habían limpiado la barra pero entonces noté que era el hombre que […]
The Beer Can Camera
“Oh my God, I have to have it!” I laughed, as the woman at the market stall showed me her husband’s latest creation. Holding a camera made out of a flattened beer can, she pushed the button, and a spring-loaded, wooden face with wild, yarn hair and a huge sequin grin came popping out of the […]
Body Shop
I got a notice in the mail the other day that it was time to service my car. When I called the garage, the office manager asked, “Are you calling to schedule routine service or major maintenance?” “I have no idea,” I replied. After looking up my records, she confirmed, “Looks like your car has […]
My Spacesuit Hurts
One of my favorite quotes is, “We are not humans having a spiritual experience; we are spirits having a human experience.” From this view, we are just visitors on Planet Earth, here to learn life lessons so that we may progress as spirits. In order to survive in this earthly environment, we’ve each borrowed a “spacesuit” […]